ST_3DDFullyWithin — 測試兩個 3D 幾何圖形是否完全在給定的 3D 距離內
boolean ST_3DDFullyWithin(
geometry g1, geometry g2, double precision distance)
如果兩個 3D 幾何圖形完全在彼此指定的距離內,則返回 true。距離單位由幾何圖形的空間參考系統定義。為了使此函數有意義,源幾何圖形必須具有相同的坐標投影,並具有相同的 SRID。
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此函數會自動包含一個邊界框比較,該比較會使用幾何圖形上可用的任何空間索引。 |
此函數支援 3D,並且不會捨棄 z 索引。
-- This compares the difference between fully within and distance within as well -- as the distance fully within for the 2D footprint of the line/point vs. the 3d fully within SELECT ST_3DDFullyWithin(geom_a, geom_b, 10) as D3DFullyWithin10, ST_3DDWithin(geom_a, geom_b, 10) as D3DWithin10, ST_DFullyWithin(geom_a, geom_b, 20) as D2DFullyWithin20, ST_3DDFullyWithin(geom_a, geom_b, 20) as D3DFullyWithin20 from (select ST_GeomFromEWKT('POINT(1 1 2)') as geom_a, ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(1 5 2, 2 7 20, 1 9 100, 14 12 3)') as geom_b) t1; d3dfullywithin10 | d3dwithin10 | d2dfullywithin20 | d3dfullywithin20 ------------------+-------------+------------------+------------------ f | t | t | f