
ST_AddBand — 傳回一個光柵,其中在給定的索引位置加入了具有給定初始值和指定類型的新波段。如果未指定索引,則將波段新增到末尾。


(1) raster ST_AddBand(raster rast, addbandarg[] addbandargset);

(2) raster ST_AddBand(raster rast, integer index, text pixeltype, double precision initialvalue=0, double precision nodataval=NULL);

(3) raster ST_AddBand(raster rast, text pixeltype, double precision initialvalue=0, double precision nodataval=NULL);

(4) raster ST_AddBand(raster torast, raster fromrast, integer fromband=1, integer torastindex=at_end);

(5) raster ST_AddBand(raster torast, raster[] fromrasts, integer fromband=1, integer torastindex=at_end);

(6) raster ST_AddBand(raster rast, integer index, text outdbfile, integer[] outdbindex, double precision nodataval=NULL);

(7) raster ST_AddBand(raster rast, text outdbfile, integer[] outdbindex, integer index=at_end, double precision nodataval=NULL);


傳回一個光柵,其中在給定位置 (索引) 加入了一個具有指定類型、指定初始值和指定 nodata 值的新波段。如果未指定索引,則將波段新增到末尾。如果未指定 fromband,則預設為波段 1。像素類型是 ST_BandPixelType 中指定的像素類型之一的字串表示。如果指定了現有的索引,則所有後續 >= 該索引的波段都會遞增 1。如果指定的初始值大於像素類型的最大值,則初始值將設定為像素類型允許的最大值。

對於使用 addbandarg 陣列的變體 (變體 1),特定 addbandarg 的索引值相對於在將該 addbandarg 所述的波段新增到光柵時的光柵。請參閱下面的「多個新波段」範例。

對於使用光柵陣列的變體 (變體 5),如果 torast 為 NULL,則陣列中每個光柵的 fromband 波段會累計到一個新的光柵中。

對於使用 outdbfile 的變體 (變體 6 和 7),該值必須包含光柵檔案的完整路徑。該檔案也必須可供 postgres 伺服器進程存取。

增強功能:2.1.0 新增了對 addbandarg 的支援。

增強功能:2.1.0 新增了對新的外部資料庫波段的支援。


-- Add another band of type 8 bit unsigned integer with pixels initialized to 200
UPDATE dummy_rast
    SET rast = ST_AddBand(rast,'8BUI'::text,200)
WHERE rid = 1;
-- Create an empty raster 100x100 units, with upper left  right at 0, add 2 bands (band 1 is 0/1 boolean bit switch, band2 allows values 0-15)
-- uses addbandargs
INSERT INTO dummy_rast(rid,rast)
    VALUES(10, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(100, 100, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
        ROW(1, '1BB'::text, 0, NULL),
        ROW(2, '4BUI'::text, 0, NULL)

-- output meta data of raster bands to verify all is right --
SELECT  (bmd).*
FROM (SELECT ST_BandMetaData(rast,generate_series(1,2)) As bmd
    FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 10) AS foo;
 --result --
 pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
 1BB       |             | f       |
 4BUI      |             | f       |

-- output meta data of raster -
SELECT  (rmd).width, (rmd).height, (rmd).numbands
FROM (SELECT ST_MetaData(rast) As rmd
    FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 10) AS foo;
-- result --
 upperleftx | upperlefty | width | height | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy | srid | numbands
          0 |          0 |   100 |    100 |      1 |     -1 |     0 |     0 |   0 |        2


FROM ST_BandMetadata(
        ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
            ROW(NULL, '8BUI', 255, 0),
            ROW(NULL, '16BUI', 1, 2),
            ROW(2, '32BUI', 100, 12),
            ROW(2, '32BF', 3.14, -1)

 bandnum | pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
       1 | 8BUI      |           0 | f       |
       2 | 32BF      |          -1 | f       |
       3 | 32BUI     |          12 | f       |
       4 | 16BUI     |           2 | f       |
-- Aggregate the 1st band of a table of like rasters into a single raster
-- with as many bands as there are test_types and as many rows (new rasters) as there are mice
-- NOTE: The ORDER BY test_type is only supported in PostgreSQL 9.0+
-- for 8.4 and below it usually works to order your data in a subselect (but not guaranteed)
-- The resulting raster will have a band for each test_type alphabetical by test_type
-- For mouse lovers: No mice were harmed in this exercise
    ST_AddBand(NULL, array_agg(rast ORDER BY test_type), 1) As rast
FROM mice_studies
GROUP BY mouse;


FROM ST_BandMetadata(
        ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
        '/home/raster/mytestraster.tif'::text, NULL::int[]

 bandnum | pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
       1 | 8BUI      |             | t       | /home/raster/mytestraster.tif
       2 | 8BUI      |             | t       | /home/raster/mytestraster.tif
       3 | 8BUI      |             | t       | /home/raster/mytestraster.tif